Sometimes I Feel Like a Piece of Bologna

Monday, May 30, 2011

Aging and the Mind-Body Disconnect

Back in April I wrote about the mind-body disconnect I see in both Mom and myself. This is the unrealistic expectations we have when our minds are convinced we can do what we’ve always done, but our bodies refuse to cooperate – or complain loudly when we push them.

The Rev. Amy Ziettlow, COO of Hospice of Baton Rouge, wrote an article for the Huffington Post about the same topic. In her hospital work she regularly encounters people who think they can do more than their bodies are capable of. And the result is an increased fall risk. She lists a set of criteria they use to assess fall risk. I see many of these criteria in Mom, and understand why I'm always on the alert when I'm with her. It’s a useful list as you evaluate your parents  -- or yourself.

How do you cope with your own body/mind disconnect? How do you act your age, or help your aging parent to act his or her age? I'd  love some new ideas. The old ones aren’t working…

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Upside of Downsizing: 50 Ways to Create a Cozy Life

Are you struggling with the accumulation of “stuff” in your life? If you’re a GenSandwicher, chances are, your garage runneth over. And your storage unit. And your attic. And your calendar. And your file cabinet. And your responsibilities.

My friend, Karen O’Connor has written a cute little book just for us. The Upside of Downsizing: 50 Ways to Create a Cozy Life stands only 5 inches high by 4 ¾ inches wide and features 50 short chapters of helpful hints to help those of us over 50 to embrace this new and often perplexing stage of life. Some of the hints are familiar, but others caused me to stop and ponder. Each chapter includes a gentle challenge: “Why not…. (try something new)?”

Karen covers both the practical and the inspirational. I love her vibrancy and joy of life as she shares stories, biblical principles, and innovative ideas for trimming belongings, rediscovering the joys of an empty nest, actively helping others, and establishing a vibrant, energetic lifestyle. This would be a great gift for anyone celebrating one of those milestone birthdays.

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